Friday, November 7, 2008
November is here, clocks have been changed, cold weather coming.... time to sew
Another busy week at the shop. Late nights out doing quilt shop related events.... I am ready for a quiet night at home!
Last night I attended the Kids 'N Kamp Celebrity Quilt Auction at the OSU Horseshoe. Kids 'N Kamp is a non profit organiatiaon that helps families that have a child that has cancer, or who has passed away from cancer. It is a really a great cause. It was so fun to see my friends, fellow quilters and customers with great quilts in the auction. Kathy Stumpf, from our Monday Morning Bookclub made a wallhanging that went for $500.00. I am so proud of her. Next year Always In Stitches will be a sponsor and we will have a quilt entered into the auction! If you like to sew and love good causes then this is a good one for you to check out.
On Wednesday night I drove Janet (Aunt GiGi), and Deb R. to a meeting at Appalacian Quilts in Fairborn (Enon). The store is about an hour away and it is very nice! If you are ever out that way stop in and visit with them. I think you will like the store! Anyway, we were invited to participate in a shop hop with them and other stores throughout Ohio! How cool is that! I will keep you posted with the details when they are developed.
Last weekend mom and I went to the Goodtime Quilters retreat. We vended, and sewed, and laughed, and laughed and laughed! I always say the girls in The Goodtime Quilters are the salt of the earth and I mean it! They are the best and I am so lucky to consider them my friends! I was so excited and busy getting ready to go that I didn't post, so over the last couple of weeks we received the following lines in the store.....
From Timeless Treasure, a cute baby line called "Noahs Ark", from Robert Kaufman, "Empress Bouquet", an oriental looking line that Sharon has already decided to use to make a Birdie Sling Bag. We also recieved Robert Kaufman's "Nature's Rhythms", beautiful batik butterflys. This fabric is just stunning! We also are working on our color wall, and this week we received 11 new fusions from Robert Kaufman. They are beautiful and make great blenders. (We want one of each color hmm.. someday!)
Books, we got Linda Tuefel's, friend and publisher (, newest book in. It is by Philippa Naylor and it is called Quilting in the Limelight. The book is quiet stunning!
Ok, busy weekend ahead! Big machine quilting class early Saturday, Mystery class late Saturday and CMQ Kids Quilts on Sunday!
Have a great weekend! take some time to sew!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Busy, Busy, Busy
We have been very busy at the store! Every day we have new customers coming in from all over the state of Ohio. It is very fun meeting new quilters and seeing the projects that they are working on. We are working on keeping our inventory up. Making sure we have patterns and books in stock and keeping the fabric coming on a constant basis. Kits, kits, kits..... we can't cut them fast enough. We have new blocks of the months coming and new projects starting everyday. It is always so exciting to go into the shop and see what is new.
Our scarlet and grey and our scarlet and cream Thangles Buck A Block of the month have been very popular. We are cutting, cutting and cutting more and saving fabric for future months.
We have a new shipment from C & T expected any day now. For the beginner or intermediate quilter, Alex Anderson's Super Simple 2, and from M'lis Hawley 101 Fabulous Fat Quarter Bags. I don't normally order Ms. Hawley's stuff because she sells her stuff in JoAnn's and we can't compete with that 40% coupon, but everyone in our shop loves purses, so we had to see what that book is all about. Also from C & T for the machine quilters is Quilting Designs from the Past. All of these books look great. Come on in and check them out!
Have a great weekend! Enjoy October for it soon shall pass!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Middle of October and still warm.. woohoo!
Today is the first day of the Circleville Pumpkin Show. Rain is predicted, but I hope it stays nice. Tomorrow I am taking a couple of machines from the shop and doing a demo for a couple of hours. We are making postcards with of course Pumpkins on them. The shop has been buzzing with projects coming and going. Last Saturday night was our first Mystery night of the New International Mystery Series II. We visited Belgium. We dined on Belgium Endive apple salad. chicken paillard, Blegian potroast & potatoes, grilled veggie pasta. I made a carrot dish, but forgot to serve it. For dessert we had Belgian waffles and Belgian cheesecake. We served two Belgium beers (Apparently they don't do wine) and one was from the company that took over our local Busch bottling company. In November we are doing a patriotic theme and just may be eating red, white and blue food....
This week we are cutting kits and making samples for three new projects. We are cutting Carol Hopkins Aunt Sukeys socks. This is made from reproduction fabrics. We are also cutting a Patchabilities pattern, The Candy Cane wallhanging. These wallhangings go very quick and finish at 6 x 22 inches. Since these kits are tiny we include the backing and the binding too. Our big project for the week is a quilt from the Jelly Roll book. This book has so many great quilts in it that when we were looking for a new sample Sharon narrowed it done to five for me to choose from. Five quilts that she loved from one book. That is a great book!
Friday night is our free sew in and then Saturday is our Dear Jane at the shop. No, I am not caught up on all of my blocks, but I am getting very close. I think I will be caught up by the end of the year.
Have a great week!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
October?? What happened to September?
Happy Fall! The store has been hopping! I am sorry I haven't been updating every week, I am overwhelmed with the day to day and then when I get home and think I am going to get a ton of sewing done I fall asleep. Here is an update of what is going on with different areas of the shop.
New Fabrics arrive daily. We have most recently received Baby Genius grows up from Benartex, and the new Dick and Jane from Michael Miller. Also we received the whole line of Nancy Halversons Cider Mill.
The autoships from all of the regular companies are ccontinuing to come in on a regular basis. The shipment from Kansas City Star was amazing, People are loving the Scraps and Shirttails: Reuse, Re-purpose and Recycle! The Art of Green Quilting
by Bonnie Hunter, this is a book about reusing old shirts to make great quilts. We also just received the Quilts For Men book.
Our classes have been filling up and people are excited about learning how to quilt.
The monthly applique club has been going well, as well as the Dear Jane group.
We have started some new blocks of the months. A scarlet and grey for the OSU fans and a really pretty red and cream colorway.
The book that I participated in writing The Guild In The Granary is going to press. We are working on getting a web page up and running. Expect to see something on the web soon.
Stop by and say hello. Get started on a new fall project, or dig out an old one and come hang out with us.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Happy Back To School Week!
Hope everything is going well and everyone is getting in the swing of going back to school. I love change so I find this time of year very exciting. At the shop we are currently working on getting our new blocks of the months started, getting new fall and winter samples done and getting out the new newsletter. Why does it always feel like we have 3000 things to do?
There are a couple of good shows coming up. The Goodtime Quilters show is the weekend after Labor Day. We are vending at this show and excited to see everyone and all of the beautiful quilts. It is always a big chatfest for us and we just love it! The Arts In The Alley show held right here in Grove City should be better then ever. The Guild that meets in the shop, the "Fat Quarters" is going to pitch in and help out this year checking in the quilts, hanging the quilts, tearing down, etc. I hope everyone has thought about entering something in that show, and we have an incentive this year with a sale for everyone that enters a quilt or volunteers to help.
We have lots of new stuff in the shop. The new fabric line "Flower Show" just arrived from Benartex. We are concentrating on building up our color wall so we are ordering and getting in fusions, marbles and small print tone on tones. Also, pink and brown are still very hot in our shop and the In the Pink II line from Marcus Brothers has done well, but there is still some available. For you purse junkies we received Amy Butlers home dec fabric. This is the same fabric many of her samples are made of. Very popular and hot!
Everyone always ask me what I am currently working on, so...... right now I am working on a red and white quilt called Cherry Vanilla from the new book Creative Quilt Collection From That Patchwork Place. I love two color quilts and am excited to get this finished. On the handwork front I am still working on the Winter Wonderland Redwork quilt from Crab Apple Hill. I only have a couple of more blocks to do so I am very near the end of this venture and ready to move on to something new... On the Dear Jane front, I am still very behind, but plan on getting closer to being caught up this month... lol
Have a great weekend! Enjoy the hot fall weather lol!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
What Happen To Summer?
We have so much going on that I don't know where to start. First I must say Thanks! Thanks to everyone who visited us during Shop Hop. It was so much fun to see all the new faces in the shop. Stop back in and visit with us! Thanks also to all of the bus riders. We hope you enjoyed the ride. Thanks to Amy Butler, who was gracious enough to bring her trunk show for our preview party and to sign her new book for our customers. And last but not least Thanks to all the great people that make Always In Stitches tick. Thanks to the Staff, family and friends, the catering company (aka family) and all the others that pitched in.
Over the next couple of weeks I will catch you up on everything we have going on. We have a newsletter coming out with many exciting classes. We have a great Christmas open house planned and a couple of other events that you will want to participate in. We are very excited about the progress of the shop and are looking forward to an exciting fall and winter.
More later!
Friday, June 6, 2008
June is Here..... Cogratulation Graduates, and the mommies that got them there!
Congratulations to Curtis, Mark, Jenna, Christopher, Marco, Travis, Kyle, Margaret, and from college, Brooke, Lyndsay & Andy, and to all of my friends and neighbors who sat at graduation holding back tears. DON'T BLINK!, I always want to tell new moms that.... it goes so fast! It makes me sad!
I have been very busy.... we are changing the shop around and getting ready for Shop Hop. Cutting kits and setting up new displays, getting ready for our new blocks of the month, updating the website....... The "Book" Guild in the Granary is in the final edit phase and we are working on the cover. The quilts used in the cover photo are from our ancestors. Isn't that cool! We are very excited about the progresss of the book and will keep you posted.
Here is a note from Brooke.... she has been crazy busy too!, but had time to make a visit to the local tatoo parlor. Stop in and ask to see her new tatoo! You true blue quilters will love it (no... it is not on her rear-end)
Well I am finally finished with school...praise the Lord! I have been busy making purses and quilts for the shop and I am excited to have more time to maybe make something for myself. I can't wait until the line of Dandelion girl comes in... that will be my next huge purchase. I am also excited for Amy Butler's new fabric to arrive it's funky and I love it. Its not hard to find ways to spend my money when I work here! Well I better get back to folding fabric. Seeyabye.
Everyone have a great weekend!
Stop in and say Hi!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Happy Friday!
We have been busy in the store getting samples and kits ready for Shop Hop. In case you didn't know the Shop Hop starts July 17th. On July 16th we will have a preview party from 6 - 8. Amy Butler will again be our guest. She has a new book coming out Sew Baby and a handful of new patterns. We will also have 2 buses leaving our shop, one on Saturday, and one on Tuesday.
Call the shop for details or check out the website.
This week in the shop we received the Hemming House & Prairie Paisley layer cakes and some supporting cast of fabrics. We also received some Quilt Diva fabric and charm square bundles. We are looking forward to some basics for our color wall, which we have been struggling keeping full.
Tomorow is the annual Race for the Cure. We have 30 people on our team this year and Brooke has tye-dyed our annual T shirt! Our theme this year is Piece, Love and Find A Cure!, with a big piece sign on the front of the shirt! I am looking forward to the walk, it is always so moving and emotional, it is a fun experience to be part of.
Here is a picture of part of our team from last year. I will post pictures from this years race later this weekend.
Stop in to say hello!, find some time to sew and have a great weekend!
Friday, May 2, 2008
Happy May..... What Happen to April??
What happen to April?
We have a busy week coming up at the shop. Tuesday is the Stitching Sisters day, come and help. Anytime, all day, they do break for lunch.
Finally, here are some pictures from the Chicago trip. We had a great time!
I will add captions and more pictures soon.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Time is flying by, Summer will be here soon!
The Bus trip to Chicago was so fun. I took many pictures and I promise I will get them posted to the blog very soon. We will definitely do the Chicago trip next year and promise to make it better than ever. We have been moving the store around and doing some spring cleaning to make room for a couple new fabric lines heading our way. Busy weekend ahead. Check back for photos and updates. Have a great weekend.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Oh my gosh, We are tired!
Ok, so this is not an award winning quilt, but this is my quilt!, and it is done, (yes it was a whopping 36 x 36). It was for the Kids Quilts Challange. My goal this year is to have a quilt in every guild that I belong to. (that would be three, finished, bound with no strings attached)
This was the opportunity quilt, and yes, I did the middle peach colored block.... notice I didn't photograph it too close. Since I am not yet an expert on hand applique I had to do a couple of blocks to practice. I think I just may make my own queen size quilt with all of my practice , don't hold your breath... I'll keep you posted.
This pretty quilt was done by my friend Ann Timms.
This weekend we have our mystery quilt sew in, and next Thursday Janet, Sharon and I are taking the busload to Chicago!! Woo hoo! we are going to have a great time!
Expect some great Chicago pictures!
Plan on coming to the shop on May 20th for the CMQ Kids Quilt Sew In. We will serve sloppy joes, bring a snack to share!
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Happy Friday... Happy Easter!
We have had a busy week at the shop this week. Last weekend we had Dear Jane on Saturday morning, Saturday night was the Irish Mystery. Sunday was the Book Club, and Brooke had a Twist and Shout Tote Bag class. Monday morning began with the Quilt Club investigating different types of batting. The green sale was going on, and we were busy. By Wednesday we were tired.
We are preparing for a busy week next week and a busy weekend starting the 28th. Aunt GiGi and Sharon will be holding down the shop. Brooke and I are going to Piketon with the Goodtime Quilters. We will be vending, working on samples, eating, laughing, having fun and hopefully, not doing much ripping. Mom, Joyce, Terry and Kathy will be vending at the CMQ (Columbus Metropolitan Quilters) show at the Whitehall Community Center. (Don't think they will be working, working working, they will be chatting, chatting, chatting... LOL) . On a serious note, there are many talented quilters in this guild. You should definitely check out this show.
We got a handful of new fabrics in the shop this week including some new Aunt Gracie fabrics, two bolts of cream colored buttons, some great Fusions by Robert Kaufman, and some Krystals by Michael Miller.
We got the C&T auto ship in, this is an automatic monthly shipment of the newest books from C&T Publishers. We received Ricky Tims new book: Feathers and Urns, Jennifer Chiaverini's More Elm Creek Quilts, and from an author I am not familiar with, Anna Faustino, Simply Stunning Woven Quilts. This is a stunning book.
Please put in your prayers, Denise and Holly, two of our employees. Denise is Holly's mom and she has recently restarted chemo treatments. They will be working from home for awhile, helping us with packaging our kits and other things that are portable. Also say a prayer for Joy Egan who recently lost her brother.
Have a great Easter weekend, we will be closed on Sunday so that we can spend the day with our families. Stop in and say hi!
Friday, March 14, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008

March 15th, 16th, and 17th is our Luck of the Irish Sale. If it is GREEN, it is 20% off !
Last Wednesday we had our Weekday mystery and it had an Irish theme. I hope everyone had fun! At the end of the day Molly and Kate came in and did some Irish step dancing for us. They were adorable.... pictures to the right. We will do another weekday mystery on April 16th. Call the shop for details.
We have received more of the At Waters Edge fabric line from Moda. A new fabric line that Brooke and Holly picked out at fall market has arrived, its from Benartex and called City Girl and the fabric that Aunt Gigi's neices Christine and Bethany picked out called Woodstock has arrived. Woodstock is a groovy combination of blues and greens. City Girl has jumbo flowers, paisley prints, dots in teal, green and brown. They both are very hip and will be made into some very cool bags soon.

This is City Girl!

This is Woodstock!
Have a great weekend! We all need to slow down a little bit.... (I am qualified to say this because yesterday I got a $70 speeding and enjoy the journey.
More later
Mary, Sharon, Brooke, etc...etc...etc
Thursday, February 28, 2008
February 29th...

Happy Friday!
Have you seen a picture of the awesome Ladies of the Sea quilt? It is an applique quilt with historical ships and a floral border. We ordered this for Jan Golden, she will have this beautiful quilt done in no time and we will still be dreaming about starting it.
A new class that has been added to our schedule is the Twist and Shout Tote Bag. It will be taught by Brooke and her assistant will be Aunt Gee Gee (Janet). Class date is March 16th, from 12:30 to 3:30 pm, and the class fee is $20.00. Please sign up at least one day in advance.
Things coming up the week of March 2nd (wow, March already)…..
The James Stitching Sisters will be here Tuesday, March 4th 10 am to 4 pm. If you can spare some time, come and sew. They provide the fabrics, we have the machines.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Ugh!!! The Retreat Went Too Fast!
Yakkity Yak! ... lol
Sunday breakfast line
Carla, too! Service project is hanging in background...
Friday, February 22, 2008
Snow, Snow and More Snow.... Time to Sew!

I am very excited because today I am going to the Quintessential Quilters Retreat at Deer Creek! I have a bunch of sample kits to make for the shop and a bunch of personal projects (Dear Jane, Embroidery club, applique club) to work on. I can't wait to get started!
We got a handful of new fabrics in this week. Last week we received, but didn't mention the Waters Edge charm squares by Moda. These are beautiful fabrics in creams and yellows. These would make a beautiful spring purse. Stop in and visit (if it's this weekend, make sure everyone is behaving for me!). Gotta run.... I am already late! - Mary
Friday, February 15, 2008
This week we received "Rosy" by Timeless Treasures. It is a beautiful fabric with pink flowers on a cream or green background. Another new fabric is 'Back In The Saddle" from Wilmington Prints. This fabric would be great for a western style quilt or for someone who just loves horses. We also received charm packs and jelly rolls of "At Water's Edge" by Blackbird Designs.
The March/April issue of "Quilter's Home" is here! As some of you may know we love Mark Lipinski (the editor) and his humor. If you haven't had a chance to look at this magazine check it out. I think you will like it.

A new book for all you cat lovers, "Copycat Quilts" by Dawn Navarro, this is is a piecing book of nothing but cats. Another new book is Better Homes and Gardens, "Quilt-Lovers Favorites" Vol. 4. And ....if you've had a bad week with the weather and all.. , check out "Quilter's Happy Hour". 1It has 11 quilts with cocktail recipes. We are thinking about a class for this book, sew, try the drink recipes.... but then we figured we would have to pick all the class members up and drop them back off at home after the class (and take all the rotaries)....
Have a great weekend! Stop in and say hey!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Hot, Cool, Wet, Cold
New this week: Joel Dewberry Fabric. The fabric is in orange, cream and brown and looks like Amy Butler fabric. I am thinking about using some of the orange for new pillows in my family room. We also got Swell by Urban Chiks. Cute prints in light green, yellow and some red tossed in. Holly and Brooke picked these fabrics out at market. Doodle-Stitching, Fresh & fun Embroidery for Beginners, is a new book just in.
Please stop in soon and show us what you are working on!
Friday, February 1, 2008
Crazy week at Always In Stitches
Our classes have been filling up and we are offering some of the more popular ones again. Last Saturday was our first Hand Applique Club meeting. There were about 23 applique enthusiasts there, and it was fun. I am excited about being involved in this club so I can improve at this skill. I just love hand applique but I don't take the time to work on my skills. Hopefully, knowing that I need to get something done each month will help.
During our Monday book club, we (Diana Forrester, Jan Biggs and I) passed out the book we wrote, "The Dutchmans Puzzle", for the members to edit. I hope they like it! We choose a non deplume.... Alma Lynne Thompson. I'll explain later how we arrived at the name. I am very excited about the book and getting it published!
More later! Have a great weekend! I don't know who to root for during the Super Bowl because I love Eli Manning (Giants) and I love Mike Vrable (Patriots). All season I have been a Pats fan.. but I do love those Manning boys..
See you at the Sale!
Friday, January 25, 2008
Freezing in Ohio!
This week has flown by... we got in the newest bunch of books from C & T Publishing and the April 2008 edition of American Patchwork and Quilting.
You really need to come in and see the Simply Spring Wallhanging from Cottage Creek Quilts that Kathy is using for her machine applique class. It is adorable!
We forgot to include a class on our class listing. It is for a very cool wallet that is featured in Winter edition of Quilts and More. This class is taught by Cathy Corcella and will be Saturday, March 15th from 10 -4. The cost is $30.00 and you will need to have fabric.
The Dear Jane class went well, and there is still time to sign up. There are 24 Janiacs right now and we would love to have you join us. I am participating in this group and I have 7 out of 8 blocks done already! I am ready to do more..... (I didn't get much of anything else done this week, but that's OK.)
We are getting ready for our Super Bowl Sale next weekend.
Have a great weekend!
Friday, January 18, 2008
What Is Happening To January?
Here at the shop our heads are spinning. Dear Jane starts this month and we have about 23 participants. I am participating as a member, I will keep you posted on my progress.
Girl Gang is starting January 25th for the primitive lovers, and our new hand applique club is meeting on the last Saturday in January.
Our newsletter has been mailed, and our website is being updated and our new class offerings will be posted soon.
On the sewing table at the shop we have been making the cell phone bags using the Quiltsmart fusible product. Once you "get it" you can make these quickly and they make great gifts. (I have been using mine for my IPod at the gym and I just may start a business selling them there.. jk)
We recently cut out a very cool Twisted Ribbons quilt from the book Fun With Block Quilts from Cheryl Malowski. The quilt is a solid black background with brightly colored ribbons. It is not sewn together yet, but you know how that goes. Soon,.... very soon!
Yikes.... New Books jsut came in from Martingale! The Skinny Quilts and Tablerunners book is very neat! There will be a couple of the samples in this book in the shop. Someday!
Have a great Weekend, Stop In and say hey!