Another busy week at the shop. Late nights out doing quilt shop related events.... I am ready for a quiet night at home!
Last night I attended the Kids 'N Kamp Celebrity Quilt Auction at the OSU Horseshoe. Kids 'N Kamp is a non profit organiatiaon that helps families that have a child that has cancer, or who has passed away from cancer. It is a really a great cause. It was so fun to see my friends, fellow quilters and customers with great quilts in the auction. Kathy Stumpf, from our Monday Morning Bookclub made a wallhanging that went for $500.00. I am so proud of her. Next year Always In Stitches will be a sponsor and we will have a quilt entered into the auction! If you like to sew and love good causes then this is a good one for you to check out.
On Wednesday night I drove Janet (Aunt GiGi), and Deb R. to a meeting at Appalacian Quilts in Fairborn (Enon). The store is about an hour away and it is very nice! If you are ever out that way stop in and visit with them. I think you will like the store! Anyway, we were invited to participate in a shop hop with them and other stores throughout Ohio! How cool is that! I will keep you posted with the details when they are developed.
Last weekend mom and I went to the Goodtime Quilters retreat. We vended, and sewed, and laughed, and laughed and laughed! I always say the girls in The Goodtime Quilters are the salt of the earth and I mean it! They are the best and I am so lucky to consider them my friends! I was so excited and busy getting ready to go that I didn't post, so over the last couple of weeks we received the following lines in the store.....
From Timeless Treasure, a cute baby line called "Noahs Ark", from Robert Kaufman, "Empress Bouquet", an oriental looking line that Sharon has already decided to use to make a Birdie Sling Bag. We also recieved Robert Kaufman's "Nature's Rhythms", beautiful batik butterflys. This fabric is just stunning! We also are working on our color wall, and this week we received 11 new fusions from Robert Kaufman. They are beautiful and make great blenders. (We want one of each color please...lol... hmm.. someday!)
Books, we got Linda Tuefel's, friend and publisher (Dragonthreads.com), newest book in. It is by Philippa Naylor and it is called Quilting in the Limelight. The book is quiet stunning!
Ok, busy weekend ahead! Big machine quilting class early Saturday, Mystery class late Saturday and CMQ Kids Quilts on Sunday!
Have a great weekend! take some time to sew!
Four Patch Quilt in a Day! Plus Quilting with Stencils
11 months ago